Empowering Communities Through Education, Community-Driven, and Community Based Parcipatory Research

Healthy Communities Coalition is dedicated to fostering collaboration between research and practice in marginalized communities through the implementation of Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) and community-driven research Methodologies, engaging with diverse stakeholders to address social determinants of health and effect sustainable change within communities.
volunteers at a community event
volunteers planting a garden in a community
Our Mission

Our Commitment to Community Empowerment

At Healthy Communities Coalition, we are fueled by an unwavering commitment to empowering communities and advancing health equity through transparent conversations, meaningful collaboration. and academic community partnerships. Our organization is dedicated to fostering transparency and equity, conducting facilitating community-driven and community-Based Participatory Research, and implementing impactful programs that maximize partners’ impact on the social determinants of health. Through these partnerships, we strive to promote lasting change and build healthier, more resilient communities for all.
Empowering Communities

Fostering Collaboration for Community Well-being

By bridging the gap between research and communities, we aim to strengthen partners' capacity to equitably engage in research partnerships, ultimately driving real, sustainable change.

Commmunity Partners

At Healthy Communities Coalition, we believe in the position and power grassroots, community- and faith-based organizations diligently working to decrease health disparities and mitigate the social determinants of health (SDoH). Through intentional partnerships and initiatives, we aim to improve access to resources and support for all individuals, particularly those in marginalized communities, regardless of background or circumstances.
There are several ways to get involved. Join us in redefining the role of research and creating a future where collaboration leads to lasting change and increased revenue. Register for an event. Create your organization’s E-RACE profile. Join our Research Advisory Council (RAC) to help shape the future of research and innovation.Become A Member.


Healthy Communities Coalition is dedicated to bridging the gap between research and communities by creating an open space for shared learning. By strengthening partners' capacity to maximize the role of research, CBOs and FBOs can equitably engage in community-based participatory and community-led research interventions.

There are several ways to get involved. Join us in redefining the role of research and creating a future where collaboration leads to lasting change and increased revenue. Register for an event. Create your E-RACE profile. Join our Research Advisory Council (RAC) to help shape the future of research and innovation. Become a member.
Our Areas of Expertise

Specializing In Building Healthier Communities Through Collaborations

At Healthy Communities Coalition, we specialize in four key areas to build healthier, more equitable communities. From designing innovative health programs and conducting community-driven research to providing capacity building workshops, and advocating for policy change, we are dedicated to empowering communities and advancing health equity for all.
Group performing Community Based Parcipatory Research

Community Health and Wellness Programs

At Healthy Community Coalition, we specialize in providing capacity-building workshops, training sessions, and technical assistance to empower community organizations and stakeholders. Within the Coalition’s network, there is extensive experience in training and development. We can tailor programs aimed at addressing health disparities and promoting community resilience.
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Community Based Parcipatory Research at a university

Research and Evaluation Services

At Healthy Community Coalition, we specialize in conducting community-driven research, program evaluation, and needs assessments to inform evidence-based interventions and policies. With a strong background in translating research findings into actionable strategies, our team leverages its expertise to bridge the gap between research and real-life application. Join the conversation. Register today!
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Capacity training during a presentation at a university

Capacity Building and Training

Providing capacity building workshops, training sessions, and technical assistance to empower community organizations and stakeholders in addressing health disparities and promoting community resilience.
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Policy change advocate giving a presentation

Policy Advocacy and Systems Change

Leading advocacy efforts and collaborating with policymakers to advocate for policies and systems changes that promote health equity and address social determinants of health at the local, regional, and national levels.
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Become a Member

Choose from our range of membership options to support Healthy Communities Coalition . Each membership level offers unique benefits, from logo visibility on promotional materials to exclusive mentions during live sessions. Join us in making a lasting impact by donating today.
women smiling while at a computer
group of young professionals at a meeting
our team

Join Our Team

At Healthy Communities Coalition, we are dedicated to fostering healthier, more equitable communities through collaboration, research, and advocacy. Founded with a vision of empowering communities and addressing health disparities, our organization works tirelessly to bridge the gap between research and practice.
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Research Advisory Council
Are you passionate about making a difference in communities? Join us in our mission to empower, advocate, and innovate for healthier, more equitable futures.

Board of Directors

Ronald Covington

Angela Flennoy

Eric Groves

Dewsill James

Michael Saunders

Founder and Executive Director

Ede Crittle

MPH Graduate Students

DJ, Gerpha, Caroline and Beenish



DYI Thinker (REMOJI)

Edutech Consulting

Fighting Chance

Flennoy Productions

Nonprofit Membership Club

Affiliates, Partners & Friends

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Join Us Virtually or Live for Engaging Conversations

Our monthly Beyond the Gift Card Community Conversation Series aims to foster trust and collaboration between community- and faith-based organizations and researchers. Join us as we explore topics such as research incorporation in program design, evaluation, data collection, use and analysis, and community-driven research. Don't miss out on this opportunity to engage with experts and fellow community members. Register today!

Sept BTGC: Research, Policy & Advocacy – Amplify Your Voice!

Our monthly conversation series aims to foster trust and collaboration between community - and faith-based partners and researchers. We explore topics as research incorporation in program design, evaluation strategies, and community driven research.

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Hear from our Community

Ede has a long history with working for the betterment of communities. She is very passionate about her service and is very compassionate with people. She really does care!!!"
Denise Morgan
Children's Bible Ministries of MD
I'm all for healthy and strong communities and that is why I recommend, Ede Crittle from Communities Coalition"
Clemmie McDaniels
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BTGC Research & Evaluation: How Are We Doing? How Do We Know?

The “Beyond the Gift Card” series focuses on bridging the gap between communities and research, aiming to involve minoritized communities as research partners and leaders rather than just subjects.
The session features experts like Dr. Rebecca Johnson and Dr. Crystal Jackson, who discuss the importance of evaluation in research and community programs, emphasizing that evaluation should be practical, stakeholder-driven, and aimed at improving outcomes.
The Healthy Communities Coalition (HCC) is highlighted for its grassroots efforts in empowering communities to leverage research for capacity building and ensuring their voices are represented in the research process.
Methods of evaluation are discussed, including impact evaluation and formative evaluation, with an emphasis on adapting programs based on feedback and short-term and long-term outcomes.
The session encourages community-based organizations (CBOs) and faith-based organizations (FBOs) to use research and evaluation to improve their programs, engage stakeholders, and ensure accountability, ultimately aiming for meaningful and impactful community-driven research.

#LessonsLearned with Reverend Kevin Slayton [We Have Not Because We Ask Not]

In this conversation between Ede, the Community Lady, and Reverend Dr. Kevin Slayton they are discussing various topics related to community engagement, social justice advocacy, and the intersection of faith […]

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Empowering communities through advocacy, education, and collaboration.

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